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Membership area
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You'll get all the instructions when you join and you can unsubscribe anytime if you think that this is not the right place for you. No questions asked.
As a member, you'll have access to free workshops and live sessions and you'll be the first to know when there's a new challenge or event. You will also have discounts for all future products and programs.
You will get suggestions and an action plan, but you'll also be free to browse and work on your own combining the material and the resources as you wish. The whole idea is to give you all the tools and show you how to use them so that you can finally be in charge of the learning process and get unstuck once and for all.
There are 2 tiers you can choose from:
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This is where your text starts. You can click here and start typing. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam.
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This is where your text starts. You can click here and start typing. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam.
We're all "work in progress" and so is this Membership area. You will always find something new here and you will always be able to ask your questions and share your thoughts. There will also be a lot of opportunities for you to put everything you're learning into practice.
If you think this may be something that can interest you, click the button below and join us.
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Find your missing piece of the puzzle!
Dealing with mistakes
Mistakes are an inseparable part of the learning process. We should be focusing, not fixating on them. They are a sign that we're learning. Therefore, we must welcome them, understand them and learn how to work around them. The following videos will provide some clarity and point you n the right direction.
Getting unstuck
You feel stuck and you don't know where to start or what to do to improve your fluency and your confidence. Yo've been studying for years but still feel inscure and you know that you're missing new career opportunities because you believe that you're not fluent enough or good enough.
Trust me, you are good enough. You just need thorough analysis of your burning problems and a structured action plan. You need to know how to prioritize and what to focus on first. Finally, you need meaningful practice and you need to activate what you already know. Only then will you be able to expand your knowledge further.
You don't need MORE grammar and MORE vocabulary! You just need the RIGHT grammar and the RIGHT vocabulary. You need the RIGHT approach.
Want to get in touch and find out more?
In the meantime, download this free ebook to understand what you need to do
to get unstuck with your English:
If you'd like faster results and a more personalized approach, 1:1 personalized coaching sessions may be the right fit for you. Find out more:
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This is where your text starts. You can click here and start typing. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam.
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This is where your text starts. You can click here and start typing. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium totam rem aperiam.